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Obama calls for paid maternity leave

President Barack Obama stated at the White House Summit on Working Families that women in the United States should get paid maternity leave, the Associated Press reported on June 23.

In response to Obama’s proposition, Florida Republican Senator Marco Antonio Rubio, who is rumored to run in the 2016 presidential elections, said he will start working on a plan that allows single mothers, young citizens, and working families to realistically attain the American Dream without the implementation of allegedly partisan programs.

Obama asserted that the United States is the only developed country that does not grant new mothers the right to paid maternity leave, and this is a problem.

Although paid leave is not yet offered at every company for new mothers, it can be instituted in the case of a workplace injury. This money is often essential to the livelihood of a family that depends on wages that are lost when an injury is sustained. If you or someone you love has been injured at the workplace, seek legal help from the attorneys at Spiros Law, P.C., in Champaign. Call our offices today at (217) 328-2828 to learn more.